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Posts from March 2023

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Nicola Gooch

Consultation Response: Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill - reforms to national planning policy

After a great deal of internal discussion, conversations with clients and contacts and general chewing of (metaphorical) pens, our...

Joanne Moseley

School reference highlighting 'safeguarding concerns' defamed two teachers

Employers who provide references about their staff must take reasonable care to ensure the information disclosed is true, accurate and...

Charlotte Rees-John

CBI Director-General speech highlights the importance of ESG strategies

This is an important speech from Tony Danker at the CBI which highlights how the labour market has changed forever and also why ESG is so...

Bryan Bletso

Irwin Mitchell’s French Desk: providing a platform for international growth

It’s been a busy six months for our international team and boosted by the arrival in September of partner, Catherine Palmer, I’m...

Nicola Gooch

As one consultation closes, another two open: Performance reviews, price rises, case law and yet another set of changes to PD Rights...

Sometimes, dealing with government consultations on planning reform feels a bit like fighting a Hydra.  The ink is not yet dry on our...