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Irwin Mitchell

Use Class E - still the future of the High Street?

Happy Tuesday (yes I know it's not Tuesday any longer) but it's here (and it landed on Tuesday morning) - the much awaited case of the...

Joanne Moseley

Workplace bullying: should you excuse the behaviour of someone who says they didn't mean to upset colleagues?

I am, of course, referring to Priti Patel's explanation for bullying staff in her department. According to the Guardian newspaper she has...

Irwin Mitchell

The disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on women’s sport

It goes without saying that sport in 2020 has looked (and felt) very different to its normal state of play. With major sporting events...

Irwin Mitchell

Winter eviction ban and exemptions - more disappointment for landlords

BY GEORGE COHEN, SOLICITOR, REAL ESTATE DISPUTES The Public Health (Coronavirus) (Protection from Eviction and Taking Control of Goods)...

Nicola Gooch

All Change at No. 10: What now for the Planning Reform Agenda?

It is almost cliché these days to say that "a week is a long time in politics".  Given the tumultuous events of last weekend, it is also...

Amy Au

The government has launched a new consultation to ban all online advertising for unhealthy foods.

So, what constitutes unhealthy? According to the new consultation, unhealthy foods are those that are high in fat, sugar and salt...

Jane Anderson

Judicial Guidance on the Just and Equitable Winding Up of a Company

Stephen Murphy considers the judgment handed down by The Privy Council on 12 October 2020 that usefully confirms the circumstances in...

Jane Anderson

Judicial trend - no alternative to alternative dispute resolution

Alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) can offer parties a cost and time efficient route to the resolution of disputes. The court...

Joanne Moseley

Extended furlough scheme - our complete guide to the new rules including important information about redundancies

As expected, the government has now updated its guidance notes on the furlough scheme to reflect changes which came into effect on 1...

Nicola Gooch

Space Standards to apply to Permitted Development Schemes from 6 April 2021 and other news

Yesterday, MHCLG laid it's latest set of amendments to the GDPO 2015 before Parliament.  The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted...

Joanne Moseley

New guidance on 'shielders' - what options do you have if they can't work from home?

During the first lockdown, the government introduced the 'shielding' programme which was designed to safeguard people who were clinically...

Joanne Moseley

New guidance suggests employers won't be able to claim furlough if they serve notice of redundancy after 1 December

Last night the government updated its twelve guidance notes on furlough to explain the rules and processes organisations have to follow...

Irwin Mitchell

Do you have a ‘Trump’ situation? Are you seeking to evict a tenant that refuses to leave?

WRITTEN BY SAMUEL LANE, SOLICITOR, REAL ESTATE DISPUTES Just like the majority of the people in the United States of America, many...

Joanne Moseley

What are the new rules on the extended furlough scheme?

Yesterday, the Chancellor announced that the Coronavirus: Job Retention Scheme would be extended beyond November, and will now be...

Nicola Gooch

And Now... We Wait: Important planning decisions which may (or may not) land before Christmas...

After a Summer where planning policy announcements seemed to flow faster than a jug of Pimm's at a picnic, and an early Autumn stuffed...

Joanne Moseley

Breaking: furlough scheme extended again - this time until the end of March 2021

The Chancellor has just announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will be extended again until the end of March following bleak...

Joanne Moseley

How will the new lockdown rules affect your business?

The new legal rules that will apply to the English lockdown have been published. The Public Health (Coronavirus Restrictions) (England)...

Stephanie Reeves

Business interruption insurance – test case fast-tracked to Supreme Court

By Ted Powell and Stephanie Reeves On 2 November 2020, the Supreme Court confirmed that it will hear the appeals in the Financial Conduct...

Joanne Moseley

Furlough scheme extended as England gets ready to go into another national lockdown

The government has insisted for weeks that the furlough scheme would end, as scheduled, on Saturday 31 October. But, just hours before...

Irwin Mitchell

Data and the social dilemma for businesses

by Rob Coleridge and Sabrina Goran, Irwin Mitchell LLP The Social Dilemma, a recent Netflix documentary about the business model and use...

Joanne Moseley

Will the £95k cap on public sector exit payments impact on schools and colleges?

On Wednesday 4 November, the Restriction of Public Sector Exit Payment Regulations 2020 come into force. These impose a £95,000 cap on...

Joanne Moseley

H&M fined 35 million Euros for unlawful employee monitoring

Earlier this month, H&M were fined, an eye watering, 35 million Euros by the Hamburg Data Protection Authority because it had seriously...

Joanne Moseley

New guidance on the Job Support 'open' and 'closed' schemes

Last week, the government announced changes to the Job Support Scheme in a last ditch attempt to stave off the huge wave of redundancies...

Irwin Mitchell

From retail to rental: John Lewis to enter the property rental market

Authored by my colleague Megan Forbes. Online shopping and Covid-19 have created a huge blow to the retail industry and have already...

David Shirt

Government’s Job Support Scheme Expanded By The Chancellor

By Sybille Steiner, employment partner at Irwin Mitchell The Chancellor Rishi Sunak has today announced significant changes to the Job...

Liam Salt

Clear line of sight... the art of interpreting financial forecasting in a Covid world

by Rachel Adams - Solicitor, Banking and Finance Capital / interest repayment holidays, financial covenant suspensions, resets and waiver...

Nicola Gooch

Planning News Catch-up: First Homes to gain a CIL exemption & other news you may have missed.

We are just under a week away from the close of the Planning for the Future consultation. In between the rush to finish your consultation...

Liam Salt

Lenders beware - failure to serve the NOI on you doesn't invalidate an Administration appointment

by Sally Essex - Solicitor, Restructuring & Insolvency In a recent case, the High Court has found that failing to provide a qualified...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit Preparation: It's easy to forget!

During this global pandemic, it’s very easy to forget all about Brexit, and that from 11pm on 31 January 2020, Great Britain (i.e....

Stephanie Reeves

Business Interruption Insurance - are more claims against insurance brokers on the horizon?

On 15 September 2020, the High Court handed down its judgment in the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) business interruption insurance...