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Real Estate NFTs and SDLT
The rising use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is evident, with the UK Chancellor recently ordering for a government-backed NFT to be...
01/07/22Unlocking Potential for Seniors Housing: We are all getting older - let's at least try to plan for it.
Earlier this week, the latest census data showed just how rapidly our society is ageing. The 65+ population in England has grown by...
01/07/22Fit notes: new rules in place from 1 July 2022
From Friday 1 July, a wider range of healthcare professionals will be able to certify fit notes. The government has made changes to...
30/06/22Government set to introduce new legislation to allow temporary agency staff to cover striking workers
British trade unions have warned consumers that the UK faces months of disruption as workers, struggling with the mounting cost of living...
29/06/22Unlawful inducement: how to stay on the right side of the law
Last year the Supreme Court handed down its judgment in Kostal v Dunkley which made it clear that employers, operating within the context...
29/06/22Infrastructure Levy under the spotlight: nobody expects the Planning Inquisition
There has been a lot of discussion about the new ‘Infrastructure Levy’ since the Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill was published. In this...
28/06/22Tribunal permits block of flats in breach of single dwelling covenant
In the recent case of HAE Developments Ltd v The Croft Ealing Ltd and another, the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) (the “Tribunal”)...
27/06/22A fairer Private Rented Sector
On 16 June 2022 the Government published a white paper, which set out its plans for changes to the private rented sector, entitled ‘A...
27/06/22Long COVID and disability: what HR need to know
In Burke v Turning Point Scotland, the employment tribunal had to decide whether a man who caught COVID-19 in November 2020, and...
24/06/22Save your USP: Withstanding the cost of living crisis and disputing increases in supplier costs
Over the last few years, we’ve seen consumers pressing brands for more sustainable products and services as well as transparency with...
24/06/22Keeping children safe in education: how to conduct social media checks (and remain within the law)
At the beginning of the year, the government published a consultation document on keeping children safe in education. One of the...
23/06/22What makes making things so hard? The continuing pressures faced by manufacturers
In October last year, I published an article on the increasing financial pressure faced by manufacturers due to supply chain shortages...
23/06/22Full steam ahead for net zero
It was just six months ago that global leaders gathered together in Glasgow to agree shared commitments to tackling climate change. That...
21/06/22The bald truth: can making a derogatory remark about a man's lack of hair amount to harassment related to sex?
That was the issue the tribunal had to determine in Finn v British Bung Manufacturing Company Limited & ors. It's decision has attracted...
13/06/22Tainted LURB: What can we learn from the Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill's Second Reading?
Wednesday 8 June was not just the second day of my Inquiry. It was also the date of the second reading of the Levelling Up and...
09/06/22How attractive is the UK when it comes to FDI?
“There are some very interesting results and recommendations in EY’s latest FDI report and it is good to see that on the whole investment...
31/05/22Unions starting to ask schools and colleges to sign joint protocol on management of long-covid
We're aware that some schools and colleges have been asked to sign up to a 'joint protocol on the management of long-covid' which has...
31/05/22Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill: a more flexible type of CPO
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill proposes changes to the compulsory purchase regime. The principal reason given by the government...
31/05/22The Beginning of the End of Environmental Impact Assessments
The Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill, published on 11 May 2022, contains substantial changes to the environmental assessment legal...
26/05/22How will the new UK vertical block exemption (VABEO) impact your relationships with your distributors?
Changes to UK competition laws, which may impact your agreements with your distributors in the UK, are due in force from 1 June 2022....
26/05/22Do you need to introduce a period policy?
Earlier this month, the BBC reported that Spain intended to introduce legislation to give women suffering from severe period pain, three...
25/05/22Employee nicknamed "half-dead Dave" awarded £13,000 for injury to his feelings
In Robson v Clarke's Mechanical Ltd, the tribunal had to determine if a 69 year old plumber and heating engineer, referred to as...
24/05/22What next in the cost of living crisis?
The cost of living is set to be the dominant domestic issue facing business and political leaders this year. As the cost of food, fuel...
24/05/22Get up to speed with green loans
Nisha Minhas is an associate solicitor in the property team at Irwin Mitchell In April 2021, the Loan Market Association, together with...
24/05/22Nike apply for digital trade marks for Virtual Goods in the Metaverse
Like a scene from Back to Future Part II (*but in present day 2022), it was widely reported back in November 2021 that Nike amongst other...
24/05/22At a time when the cost of living is rising, what matters most to consumers?
With the continued rise in the cost of living, many households are feeling the strain on disposable income. The astronomical increase in...
24/05/22The Levelling-Up & Regeneration Bill: Local Plans and Housing Numbers - We don't talk about SMAHN No, No, No, No....
There are a great many reform proposals in the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill, and the 'further information' that accompanied it....
22/05/22Queen's speech 2022: what are the implications for employment law?
Last week the government delivered its Queen's Speech for 2022. Regular readers of this blog will be getting a sense of déjà vu. I asked...
20/05/22What have I signed up to....?
Despite Brexit being “done” almost 18 months ago, it is seemingly never terribly far away from the headlines. The Northern Ireland...
18/05/22How much can you deduct from the salary of a teacher who is on strike?
We've seen an increase in the number of colleges asking for advice about deducting pay from striking employees, following the...