Over the past 12 months there have been considerable advances in both the treatment of asbestos related diseases and the legal
agreements which ensure those diagnosed with an illness can access these new and improving treatments.
Our client James Casey
After undergoing tests to investigate fatigue and weight loss, father of three James Casey, 64 from Halifax, was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma, a cancer
that affects the lining of the abdomen associated with asbestos exposure.

Our specialist asbestos-related disease solicitors established that his exposure to asbestos most likely took place during his time working for the North Eastern Gas Board between 1969 and 1980. They successfully pursued a civil claim on his behalf.
James, who is married to Yvonne and is also a grandfather of six, started work at the North Eastern Gas Board shortly after leaving school. He was initially employed as an apprentice service engineer in Bradford before being transferred to the Pudsey branch.
As part of his landmark settlement agreement with his former employer’s insurer, the cost of any medical treatment James needs in the future will be covered by the
insurer. This includes immunotherapy treatment which is a growing area of medical research on asbestos cancers.
Ian Toft, one of our leading asbestos related disease experts, represents James and said:
“This settlement is a hugely important step forward for victims of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses.
“This settlement for James builds on anything we’ve done before, as it includes the extra element of covering future unidentified treatments even if they are not currently on the medical radar.”
Recovering costs for hospices
In 2010 we recovered hospice costs for a man who had contracted mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos while working at a power station in the 1950s.
As part of the legal case we made a successful claim on behalf of the cancer hospice where he had been cared for in the final stages of his life.
This was the first case where costs for hospice care were included in the compensation settlement. As providers of palliative care, hospices can often be a crucial end-of-life support for those suffering from mesothelioma.
Since this landmark case we have recovered more than £1 million for hospices across the country to cover the costs of care for victims of asbestos exposure, which is on top of the funds we recover for the victims themselves and their families.
Turning Point – Winter 2018
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