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Irwin Mitchell

Mind the gap?

TFL may be able to help fill the gap. Reported in EGi from Estates Gazette today, TFL may use some of the land it is proposing to release...

Nicola Gooch

Does localism mean fewer homes?

A recent article on the BBC website about the politics of the housing crisis would certainly seem to suggest so. The article reports on a...

Irwin Mitchell

Major new housing JV announced in Brighton

Brighton & Hove City Council leader Warren Morgan (quoted below) has announced an ambitious JV with Hyde Housing Association intended to...

Irwin Mitchell

BPF Manifesto reveals 16,000 Build to Rent homes in the pipeline

The BPF have published their Build to Rent manifesto, available through Alongside encouraging statistics (and a rather cool...

Irwin Mitchell

Zero Hours Contracts - Finally some guidance

The Department of Business has published guidance on zero hours contracts and when it is appropriate to use them.

Irwin Mitchell

A guide to ... zero hours contracts

Following the ban on exclusivity clauses in zero hours contracts, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has produced a guide...

Irwin Mitchell

New ways of working

An interesting blog has been released by Savills this week highlighting the new ways in which we are working. The report suggests that...

Irwin Mitchell

Disruptive tech! The battle continues

Really interesting decision from the High Court today and it sounds like it was pretty emphatic outcome for Uber. This will certainly...

Nicola Gooch

Housing and Planning Bill 2015: Implications for planning

The Planning Team has produced a technical briefing note on the implications of the Housing and Planning Bill 2015. The note is long, it...

Irwin Mitchell

Want to discuss something? Send a tweet!

This story highlights that more and more people are turning to social media to comment, correspond and vent their frustrations. It is...

Irwin Mitchell

Builders 1 - PRS 0

More fall-out from the PM's announcement at Conference this week. Which policy will triumph, and where will the new homes come from?

Irwin Mitchell

Housing and Planning Bill outlined

The Prime Minister has outlined the likely contents of the Housing and Planning Bill. The starter homes initiative (replacing the...

Irwin Mitchell

Trade Union Bill 2015-16

The Trade Union Bill 2015-16 is being debated this week in committee in the House of Commons. The Bill initially sought to cover a...

Irwin Mitchell


The recent twitter campaign #ILookLikeAnEngineer has been quickly followed by others such as #ILookLikeAPhysicist and #ILookLikeASurgeon...

Irwin Mitchell

Scotland and England differ on Important Insolvency issue

Two cases, one English and the other Scots in the last few months have given markedly different outcomes to what happens to property that...

Irwin Mitchell

It's not for girls, apparently?!?

It was disappointing but not surprising to see this morning the stereotypes and attitudes that still persist over what sort of jobs are...

Irwin Mitchell

Tesco Disposes of Mothballed Sites

Tesco has announced its deal to dispose of a number of its mothballed sites in the South East. Hopefully this will create an opportunity...

Nicola Gooch

Tesco sells abandoned supermarket sites to housing developer

Once Tesco had announced that it was abandoning 49 of its development projects, the decision to sell some of the sites for residential...

Irwin Mitchell

Discrimination at 40

They used to say life begins at 40 and as I turn 36 in November I hope this is true! Perhaps more importantly the Sex Discrimination Act...

Irwin Mitchell

Snow days

We all know that it is a popular British pastime to speculate about the weather but if you are an employer you might be able to get one...

Irwin Mitchell

Bringing your own device to work; who owns the information

This is a really interesting article by my colleague, Dan Hedley, about protecting data when an employee accesses company information...

Irwin Mitchell

Does the law allow straight talking in redundancy situations?

In a redundancy situation employees often just want to know what is going on and find out if they are going to have a job or not. So...

Irwin Mitchell

Better access to justice, what a great idea!

Pressure is mounting on the Ministry of Justice to review Employment Tribunal fees because the evidence is incontrovertible that badly...

Irwin Mitchell

Review of Employment Tribunal Fees

The introduction of tribunal fees in 2013 has undoubtedly affected the number and type of employment tribunal claims being bought. The...

Nicola Gooch

Permanent Office to Resi PD Rights to include Demolition and Rebuild

In a speech earlier today, Brandon Lewis provided more detail on the new permanent office to residential permitted development rights,...

Irwin Mitchell

Potential Solar Farm for Tangmere - West Sussex

West Sussex County Council has unveiled its plans for a new solar farm in West Sussex. This could be an innovative boost for the local...

Nicola Gooch

Prime Minister: Office to Residential Permitted Development Rights will be made permanent

David Cameron announced today that permitted development rights allowing Office to Residential conversions, introduced in 2013, are to...

Irwin Mitchell

HR - limits on involvement in disciplinary process

The Employment Appeal Tribunal confirms that HR must limit itself to advice on procedure and not on guilt or sanction.

Irwin Mitchell

Interesting development where residential premises are used as business premises

The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act Regulations 2015 were made on 15 September 2015 which bring into force (on 1 October...

Irwin Mitchell

Protection for whistleblowers in the financial services industry

The FCA's new rules for whistleblowers, announced this week (and largely in force from September 2016), aim to improve and formalise...